A bit about Miniature Horses.

The designation of a miniature horse is determined by the height. Section A, miniature horses stand 34" and below at the withers (the high part of the back, located between the shoulder blades). Section B, miniature horses stand 34" – 38" high at the withers. Lassie is a section B and is in foal to a Section B stallion.

While its common for people to refer to minis as "ponies" or "shetlands" , they are not.... and are a breed of their own. Miniature horses are exactly that, Miniature versions of their larger cousins. They don't have the stubborness or body type of a pony. Miniature horses do grow a thick shaggy coat during winter, which is clipped for the show ring.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wow!!! 9 weeks allready!!!

Well time has certainly flown by!! I was a bit sidetracked with family commitments and other stuff happening, so ive fallen behind on posting in here :( .

I measured monkey yesterday.... he is growing so fast..... he is now 29 inches. Im not sure wether to be happy or sad, haha, cos I want him to be a mini.... but he's growing so big!!

We have had a tremendous amount of rain this last 3 weeks so havnt really been doing much, just letting him out of the yard every arvo for a play and run around the place..... he is hilarious to watch....... just zooms everywhere......

Last week he discovered my sons bmx bike he got for xmas.... He was really stand offish and it was so funny, he'd sniff it.... then back up.... then sniff again, then go for a zoom.... then come back as if to say.... come on.... play with me..... then he'd squeel at it and turn around and boot out at it just before zooming off again.

I've been wanting to clip him, but with the yukky weather around.... I havnt..... I might this arvo if I get a chance..... If not.... sometime on the weekend.

Anyway, next week will be our 10 weeks.... so i'll post again to get back into routine :D

Cheers for now Barb

Thursday, January 3, 2008

6 weeks old.....

He officially doesn't turn 6 weeks old till tomorrow, but was on the puter now so thought id update for you all. This last fortnight has seen him starting to eat food now that I put out for Lassie which is good as it hopefully will mean he isnt relying so much on her.... I feel he is draining her atm.....little guts. Today when I measured him he is now 27 inches (68.5cm) tall to the wither... so he has grown 6 inches in 6 weeks. He likes to have a daily visit with the big boys now and more often than not I find him in with them rather than with Lassie. They are very patient with him, he gets in under their chins while they are eating or he nibbles at their legs etc..... He's a cheeky little monkey, and I affectionatley have labelled him just that... Monkey!! It has been rainy here over christmas so there is now lots of fresh long grass coming up so he is revelling in that.