A bit about Miniature Horses.

The designation of a miniature horse is determined by the height. Section A, miniature horses stand 34" and below at the withers (the high part of the back, located between the shoulder blades). Section B, miniature horses stand 34" – 38" high at the withers. Lassie is a section B and is in foal to a Section B stallion.

While its common for people to refer to minis as "ponies" or "shetlands" , they are not.... and are a breed of their own. Miniature horses are exactly that, Miniature versions of their larger cousins. They don't have the stubborness or body type of a pony. Miniature horses do grow a thick shaggy coat during winter, which is clipped for the show ring.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

11 weeks......

Well so much for my promise of getting back on track with my posting in here.... I found a new mini forum and have become terribley addicted so its like nothing else matters on my c0mputer LOL.... but finally have been inspired to come and add some more!!

So much has happened this last fortnight. Spirit is coming along with his leading around and has settled down alot too.... he went through a phase of being really naughty and rearing up or biting or ambushing if I was to squat down etc..... he now is a lovely little monkey who loves a cuddle and I think has learnt quickly that if he is nice, he doesnt get into trouble!!

He now can laydown and bow and gives kisses!! He loves a smooch!!

On Monday the 4th, He had his second bath... and also got clipped!! Although it isnt a "show clip" it was more to just do the deed and introduce him to it all..... the silly clippers ran out of charge just as I was nearly done, so his legs still arnt done and his face is only half done LOL... but he was soooooooo good!!!! He had a bit of a spack with the hose, but soon calmed down and not one bit of trouble with the clippers!!! I was in shock!!! He was sooooo into it, I think he loved the massage he was getting!! I can't believe the colour change... he is more chocolate..... I just sent away my rego papers saying he is a bay..... gosh, I hope they still think he is!!