A bit about Miniature Horses.

The designation of a miniature horse is determined by the height. Section A, miniature horses stand 34" and below at the withers (the high part of the back, located between the shoulder blades). Section B, miniature horses stand 34" – 38" high at the withers. Lassie is a section B and is in foal to a Section B stallion.

While its common for people to refer to minis as "ponies" or "shetlands" , they are not.... and are a breed of their own. Miniature horses are exactly that, Miniature versions of their larger cousins. They don't have the stubborness or body type of a pony. Miniature horses do grow a thick shaggy coat during winter, which is clipped for the show ring.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The first meeting....... I got a pic!! yay!!!

I managed to get hold of a piccie that I took on my phone and then finally got it on my computer. This was one of the initial meeting through the fence. I am so proud of how well my boys behaved!!!
Gotta love technology!!
Cheers for now and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.
from Barb and all the gang :D

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