A bit about Miniature Horses.

The designation of a miniature horse is determined by the height. Section A, miniature horses stand 34" and below at the withers (the high part of the back, located between the shoulder blades). Section B, miniature horses stand 34" – 38" high at the withers. Lassie is a section B and is in foal to a Section B stallion.

While its common for people to refer to minis as "ponies" or "shetlands" , they are not.... and are a breed of their own. Miniature horses are exactly that, Miniature versions of their larger cousins. They don't have the stubborness or body type of a pony. Miniature horses do grow a thick shaggy coat during winter, which is clipped for the show ring.

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's a boy!!!!

In the early hours of the 23rd November, a gorgeous bay colt was born..... we named him SPIRIT. He measured 21 inches at the wither at birth. I only just not long missed the birth by about 2 hours. Lassie was calm and relaxed and was more than happy for me and my family to be there so soon after. She is a great mum and is feeding him well.... He is just thriving and at this moment, he is growing rapidly and changing so much!!! He is turning into a very cheeky little fellow who has to check out everything and everyone...... He first has to look at it, then taste it. He insists on trying to get a piggy back ride if Lass is ignoring him for too long though, is funny to watch. He's amazing how he will zoom around the yard and then all of a sudden just decide he's gonna stop and have a snooze..... and out he goes flat out, laying there with not a care in the world, then just as quick he jumps back up and carries on like he hasnt missed a beat!!! He runs and bucks and rears up as if he is a bucking bronc!!! He is just starting to take an interest in what Lass is eating aswell, having a taste of a carrott yesterday..... just licking it and smelling it. He leads now, although being too far away from Lass he doesnt like.... but who blames him really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barb, site looks great!! But where are you havn't seen you on Magical Minis for ages!